Business and finance

Unit 8 The Recruitment and Selection Process Learning Aim A (BTEC NEW SPECIFICATION)
Unit 8 The Recruitment and Selection Process Learning Aim A (BTEC NEW SPECIFICATION)
3 x writing templates for Learning Aim A for Unit 8
These have been created in line with the delivery guide, specification, assignment brief provided by Pearson and the Pearson BTEC National Business Textbook
They include everything learners need to complete Learning Aim A and each section is referenced to pages in the textbook so students can do independent learning outside of the lesson.
Well planned generic writing frames - no further planning required
Please visit our shop on TES for a link to all teaching resources (Inc Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign)
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Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign - MARKETING TERMINOLOGY Activity 1 and 2
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign - Marketing Terminology Activity 1 and 2
Marketing terminology for Activity 1 and 2 - essential for students to achieve higher marks
Please visit our shop on TES for a link to all teaching resources (including full set of lessons for Unit 2)
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Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign 37 lessons (Business BTEC, New Spec) *Over 100+ sold*
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign 37 lessons (Business BTEC, New Spec 2017)
Full set of lessons for Unit 2 covering learning aim a, b and c
Full lessons and activities
Scheme of Work
Mark / Assessment Grid
Business Terminology
Link to 3 Kahoot Quizzes at the end of each learning aim which test all content covered
Well planned generic lessons - no further planning required
Please visit our shop on TES for a link to all teaching resources
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Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Learning Aim C 15 lessons (Business BTEC, New Spec 2017)
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Learning Aim C
(Business BTEC, New Specification 2017)
15 lessons for Learning Aim C including full lesson and activities
Scheme of Work
Mark / Assessment Grid
Business Terminology
Kahoot quiz which tests all content in final lesson
This is for the new specification for Unit 2 (Controlled Assessment).
Please visit our shop on TES for a link to all teaching resources
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Recruitment and Selection - Interview questions / Feedback Evaluation Sheets
Recruitment and Selection Process - Interview questions / Feedback
Interview questions
Evaluation Sheets

Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign - 21 Lessons with SOW (Learning Aim A + B)
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign
21 Lessons with SOW (Learning Aim A + B)
Full lessons with relevant content and activity according to Scheme of Work provided by BTEC.
This pack covers everything the students need to know for Learning Aim A and B for Unit 2 of the new BTEC specification.
At the end of each Learning Aim is a revision lesson listing topics and a link to a Kahoot quiz covering all content for each learning aim
The lessons are easy for anyone to pick up and use - no extra planning needed!

Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign - Business Terminology
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign - Business Terminology
Business terminology students must know for Learning Aim A, B and C

BTEC Unit 2 + Unit 3 NEW SPECIFICATION - Glossary of terms for externally assessed units
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign
Unit 3 Finance
Glossary of terms for externally assessed units

Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 21 Learning Aim B REVISION Lesson
List of topics for Learning Aim B
Link to Kahoot Quiz that covers all of content for Learning Aim B

Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 20 Product Life Cycle
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 20 Product Life Cycle

Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 19 Interpretation and analysis of data
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 19 Interpretation and analysis of data
Learning Aim B
Interpretation, analysis and use of data and other information to make valid marketing decisions.
Identification of any further sources of information that may be required.
Evaluation of the reliability and validity of the information obtained.
Full lesson with case study analysis

Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 18 Interpretation and analysis of data
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 18 Interpretation and analysis of data

Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 17 Validity / Reliability of Data
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 17
Learning Aim B
Lesson covers the following in line with the BTEC Scheme of work for Unit 2:
1. Importance of validity
2. Reliability
3. Appropriateness
4. Currency
5. Cost
6. Quantitative data
7. Qualitative data
8. Sufficiency and focus of the research
9. Selection and extraction

Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 16 Secondary Research
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 16 Secondary Research
Lesson 16 - Learning Aim B
In line with Scheme of work provided by Pearson

Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 14-15 Primary Research
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 14-15 Primary Research

Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 13 - Target Markets Competition
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 13 - Learning Aim B
Target Markets
Size, structure and trends in the market

Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 12 - Revision Lesson (Learning Aim A)
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 12 - Revision Lesson (Learning Aim A)
List of topics for Learning Aim A
Link to Kahoot Quiz that covers all of content for Learning Aim A

Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 11 External Influences
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 11 External Influences
Full lesson with activity
Scanned Textbook Page